The God Concept; Part 2:The all Attractive One.

It is The Most High, in Truth, that Is G.uiding O.ur D.irection.

It is the Most High aspect of existence, which existence is, that is guiding existence.
In the simplest of terms, we can call this energy that is guiding existence “Love”energy - benevolent, creative, life energy; as it is that which makes up the human being, and that which shines through the heart of every being.
Through the heart chakra of every being shines the essence of the most high Love energy. The most high in this state , in Hinduism, is called Paramatma.
This same energy is the conscious energy which life is. The conscious energy that has replicated itself through creation to become all life.
It is this energy of The All Attractive one that shines through the heart of each being and which hath created all universes and dimensions.
Thus it exists as all that is; it hath created all that is.
Nothing is not this essence except that which came before it; the timeless, space less no-thing-sense which preceded its becoming.
This first cause, is that which hath arisen from such chaos to permeate the void of non-existence, creating existence.

This essence, The essence of The All which hath created all that is - The essence of the Creator which hath created existence - is the essence that makes up existence.

The spiritual essence that is the light of life; the essence which ls life and which life is,
Is what all physical, mental and spiritual existence consists of.
This essence is the seed of existence, and is that which existence is.

This essence in its first, natural state is unmanifest; it is all potential not yet manifest.

This can be represented as feminine energy, with the force that manifests, masculine energy, being that which manifests this potential.
We can call this unmanifest, supreme state The Most High, Bhagavan, The All Attractive One, The Absolute, The All, The First Cause etc.
This unmanifest state is the essence of the creator while it is not manifested as the spiritual energy of things, particles and living beings.
It is the purely benevolent, all intelligent, all knowing source of existence, in its unmanifest state.
In and of itself, it is pure love energy; existing eternally in harmony as the source of all.
This can be likened to a state akin to a white light - pure consciousness unmanifest.
Being all that is, all that was possible of being, this energy wished to become more; and it could only do so through becoming less.
Thus, it manifested itself, through itself, into the creation.
It manifested itself into endless seemingly separate beings, for the purpose of co-creating with its own creation.
As such, You ARE this force. And this Force is you.
You are the unmanifest love energy which hath manifested existence; and you are existence itself, manifested.
Therefore, you can become more and more connected to this source, but you can never be truly DIS-connected from it. You may forget that you are this force, yet merely must look within to re-cognize truth.
Since you are this energy, you share the same qualities as this energy.
You have forgotten these qualities, yet as you rise to become closer to this source, you will reclaim them.
Thus, even though you may have an individual personality, your personality ultimately stems from and returns to the supreme personality.
In this sense, you ARE the supreme personality, manifested.
The All Attractive One is the supreme personality that is the source of existence.
The supreme personality of Godhead.
But what is a personality?
A personality is contrived of various, varying, characteristics.
As for the most high, the absolute: certainly His Character traits must be the most divine, for He is the supreme personality...indeed, the very first personality.
Thus, The Most high must be ultimately so.
The Most high must be the ultimately Most High: beyond all borders, beyond all limitation.
Beyond space and time.
For the Most high is the first cause which has come into being without borders, through thought alone.
The state of the creator must be ultimately Most Loving, and All-loving; unconditionally so, as we are a reflection of its perfection and exhibit such traits ourselves when in tune.
This state must also possess all-power, all-possibility, All opulences , all strength,all wisdom, all beauty, all glory and all renunciation.
It must be the ultimately most powerful which is ultimately benevolent.
As the all attractive one, it must also possess all ability of attraction : all imagination, all creative potential.
It must be ultimately perfect in every way; needing no-thing but that what it is; needing only its self.
Being responsible for all creative potential, the all attractive one birthed itself into angels so that it could seed sentient life throughout the multiverse.
It did this for the purpose of expanding creation.
Thus, we are co-creators with the all attractive one, who hath dreamed us and the multiverse into being, by first realizing that it existed, and then wanting to exist further.
Through life-form vessels, it experiences all possibilities of life.
As such, the all attractive one shines through the heart of every being, and through every particle.
In its realized state, it is Bhagavan.
This personality, in its toltallity, is the core essense of who God truly is.
Who God is, then, is the all knowing, all attractive, all worshipful, all glorious, all powerful and ultimately all-loving frequency of The All.
It is the conscious beingness of the All, and is present within all existence.
Simply called Love, this high vibrating frequency lives inside every one of us, inside every particle, and is responsible for existence.
As ye are of the sonship of the most high (a son of the creator), the personality of the most high can be realized within you.
This is attaining all mystical perfection within; and can be called Simadhi, Nirvana, enlightenment, illumination.
The best way to put it though, is to say that we are simply remembering who we truly are; co-creators with the source who are one with the source and ultimately are the source.
Thus, The All Attractive one can be experienced through the Love energy that shines within.

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