THE GOD CONCEPT: part 1; Is God an intelligent force that is present within all life?

Many talk about and extensively praise this phenomenon which they call 'GOD', 
yet don't know what it means to them.

However ; If you have no personal connection to God, then how could you possibly 
know what God is, or even **IF** God is?

If you do not have a direct connection to God; then what are you worshiping? 
What are you praising as higher than your own divinity?

It is as simple as this; if you do not have a personal connection to God, 
then you simply do not under, inner or over-stand what God is.

Indeed...It seems that those who have a direct connection to God, 
also seem to be those who have an inward connection to themselves.

But why is this?

In the twelfth century, Ibn-Al-Arabi, one of the most revered Sufi mystics, wrote:

If thou knowest thine own self, thou knowest God....

But how is it possible to have a personal connection with God 
simply by going knowing thy self?*


Could it be that the reason this is because 
this creative aspect of nature which some would call "God" , 
which has created all life, is the fundamental presence *within* all life?

# The principle behind life, the principle that manifests and reproduces life
,  _**IS**_ life.

This is certainly the teachings of many esoteric societies throughout the  ages.

The [Kybalion](  , 
for example, states that;

"While All is in (exists in) THE ALL, it is equally true that THE
    ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this
    truth hath cometh great knowledge."--The Kybalion

If this seems difficult to grasp, remember one thing....

#   You exist

And because you exist, you are connected to a force which constitutes life.

This force which constitutes all life, is itself living;
 thus all animated life is a by - product, or a reproduction (creation), 
of this same force that is the force within all.

It is present with ALL life, as all life is an extension of this First cause
 which we could also deem life.

Thus, as the Kybalion states, the force which some would call "God",
 is this creative force that is the ultimate, and infinite all, and is within 
all as its source of being.

This creative force has manifested the living universes as a 
mental projection within itself (big bang)

It has manifested its self into all possibility through the creation.....
endowing its creation with the ability to create.

The living universe is a manifestation of itself, within its self.

> Know ye, O Man;
In the beginning
there was VOID and nothingness.
A timeless, spaceless, nothingness.
And into this no-thing-ness came a thought:
purposeful, all-pervading,
and It filled the VOID.
There existed no matter, only force,
a movement, a vortex, or vibration
of the purposeful thought
that filled the VOID.

Thus, it has manifested itself into all things and is the 
creative force within all things.

> The Hermetic Teachings 
are to the effect that 
THE ALL is Imminent in ("remaining within; inherent; abiding within")
 its Universe, and in every part, particle, unit, or combination, 
within the Universe.

The ALL that created all, abides within all....within every single particle,
 as a fractal position of this infractal whole.

Because you exist, you ARE a part of this force that is existence...
.you contribute an aspect of the whole of existence because you exist.

Simply because you exist, you are an integral part of existence - 
an integral part of all that is.

An integral part of The All , which is.

But what is ISNESS?

# What is life?

Simply put, life is that which exists; that which is, 
as well as that which is conscious.

*Life* , is that which is alive; that which is living.

Life is what allows existence to be: 
life is the force which constitutes the ISNESS of existence.

Wherever there is life, there exists the Consciousness. 
Consciousness is inherent to life as humidity 
is inherent to water." - Samael Aun Weor

Life is the living, oscillating energy that results in consciousness.

Life is conscious; consciousness is life.

This thought that grew into the abyss is 
The All (the life within all material life, the life that is all spiritual life) 
- and it has manifested itself into all that is through the process of giving 
or becoming life, also known as creation.

This eternal all is source consciousness - the source of all consciousness - 
and is the force which moves through and is all life.

The best way to think of this, is that The All is that which is absolute, 
that which is fundamental; the high oscillating energy of love within all. 
While that which is all ("individual" existences within the whole existence) 
is relative to the absolute.

This means that the absolute cannot be changed...can never be 
created or destroyed.

It is outside of what has formed to be time, and so has no beginning or end.

It always has been: always will be, changing only in a relative sense.

That which is The All, reproduces itself within all life as the fundamental
 energy of all life.

This energy is creative, and high vibrational, and therefore benevolent;
 and can thus be called love, or compassion.

Call it whatever you want; but know that it is this fundamental energy 
that is within all that is that is the only force and power; for it is responsible for, 
and is, all force and power.

This energy is pure, benevolent energy; it is the creative source of the 
absolute which manifests the relative.

# SIMADHI is the pure consciousness of the benevolent creator.



This is the becoming of life energy.
The becoming of life energy is an event which has happened outside of time.
Life energy has became through the self realization of nothingness,
which we we talk about in a future post.

> The faculty of consciousness can be likened to the light from a movie projector. 
The projector shines light onto a screen, modifying the light so as to produce 
any one of a multitude of images. 
These images are like the perceptions, sensations, dreams, memories, 
thoughts, and feelings that we experience—what I call the 
“contents of consciousness.” The light itself, 
without which no images would be possible, 
corresponds to the faculty of consciousness

In relation to this quote, the absolute is like the light of a movie projector, 
while the relative is the movie it projects.

This sense of "I" , is ego, 
which is useful as the illusion that "I" am separate, 
so that "I" can experience individual, "mortal" existence as a physical form 
and think that this is me.

This allows for relative perception, which is ultimately illusion, 
but which is real in experience as experience is a faculty of consciousness.

If it were not for the ego which allows for relative perception, 
individual existence could not least not in the way that it does.

So while ego is ultimately a lie, an illusion, 
 it is one that serves the purpose of allowing relative, subjective experience, 
which the absolute "craves" as it "wishes" to experience.

> Looking for the self is rather like being in a dark room with a flashlight, 
and then shining it around trying to find the source of the light. 
All I would find are the various objects in the room that the light falls upon.
 It is the same when I try to look for the subject of my experience. 
All I find are the various ideas, images, and feelings that the attention falls upon. 
But these are all objects of experience; 
they cannot therefore be the subject of the experience. 
So what is the subject of experience? 
What is this “I” I know so well yet cannot find? Erwin Schrodinger, 
one of the founders of quantum physics yet also someone with a 
keen interest in the mind, concludes, 
“You will, on close introspection, find that what you really mean by “I” 
is the ground-stuff upon which all experiences and memories are collected.”

This "ground-stuff", or the phenomenon which is the ground work for existence, 
is aware presence.

Awareness beckons presence, and aware presence beckons knowledge of truth. 
This knowledge of truth is knowing that you are one with your creator; 
and thus ARE your the deepest possible level.

This is what Yeshua the Christed one meant when he declared 
"I am the Son of God".

In-deed, so are you....

# Is it possible that conscious beingness is the root of all things; 
that the life force of the all is the ground-work of existence?

Is it possible that there is a force within all life, 
that is inherently the same within all life, and that this force which constitutes 
life *IS* life?

Is it possible that this life within all life is the phenomenon which sacred texts 
refer to as "God", "Brahman" , "Allah", "krishna" etc?

Is it possible that this phenomena we call "Light", is the closest observation to 
the substance of consciousness....and that all existence is conscious to some 
degree....vibrating to some degree?

Is it possible that all of existence comes from the same source....
and that this source is ever-present within all life?

That the source of all existence is.....within existence itself?

> "Most of the mystics and sages who have come to know 
the pure consciousness behind experience go one step further. 
They claim that when you know the light of consciousness 
shining at the core of each and every one of us, you also discover
 an intimate connection with God."

> "If I penetrate into the depths of my own existence and my own present 
reality, the indefinable amness that is myself in its deepest roots, 
then through this deep center I pass into the infinite I am which is the very 
Name of the Almighty."

Matter is Trapped energy

All of existence is conscious beingness; some aspects more conscious than others. 
All Matter is trapped energy - contained energy. And all energy is forever 
vibrating to *some* degree; and therefore everything is alive.

Even a rock still vibrates; it merely appears solid because it is vibrating at a 
slow rate of motion.

If everything is alive to some degree, then everything has the potential to
 become conscious.

Even a rock can become enlightened; evident by the fact that crystal 
formations exist.

Thus, that which we think of as purely material reality, is indeed 
slow vibrating energy; formless energy that is trapped in form.

If an atom is 99% empty space, then does that not mean that the 
only actual physicality, which you may think is the real representation, 
is actually only 1% of the actual existence?
This is only a 1% representation.

It is a **definition** : a border.  A judgement of reality, but not its full 

Reality in its full representation is conscious beingness.

It is true that all things that exist vibrate.
That is to say that the entirety of existence is vibrating Pulsating, oscillating energy.

Science attests to this .

All esoteric orders attest to this.

All religions attest to this.

Even the bible says that In the beginning there was the word, and the word was 
with God, and the word WAS God.

Word meaning sound.

This means that God is sound, which is frequency; meaning living, actual, 
vibrating energy.

God is the infinite living mind which exists as the all, within all, 
and as all within the all.

>“I am” is the name of God. God is none other than the Self.

Panpsychism says that the substance of all things is consciousness.
That all things are conscious to some level or degree.

The light that shines above the heavens and above this world, the light 
that shines in the highest world, beyond which there are no others–that
is the light that shines in the heart of men.    Chandogya Upanishad (ibid, p. 64)

Is it possible that this phenomenon we call "God", is actually present within all life?

...Is it possible that there is nothing else that exists **Other** than God?

That God is all of existence, that all of existence is a part of God?

That God is existence? That existence is God?

The truth is that there is consciousness in all things.
All life forms are designed by another consciousness and brought to have 
the capability to evolve.

Each aspect of existence contains the whole. That which is pure, 
is the source of all things in all things.
If all things are brought into existence via consciousness, 
then this means that consciousness is the ground of all phenomena.

Which means that there is an intelligent force that is present everywhere, 
within all things, and that this intelligent energy is benevolent, is creative, 
and is progressive;  this force is the diesel that fuels the engine of all life.

This force is responsible for the creation of The Universe(s); 
and creates itself as an ever blossoming flower.

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